Банк Приднестровья

Pridnestrovian Republican Bank

Основные направления единой государственной денежно-кредитной политики на 2025 год

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Bulletin PMR
Вестник ПРБ

Official exchange rate
c  28.03.2025
 Flag   Currency    Course     
USD 16.1000
EUR 17.3655
RUB 0.1920
UAH 0.3874
MDL 0.8909


Precious metals
c  28.03.2025
     Metals           Prices     


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       1 rubles.  

       Yellow-brown colors 
       Form - a circle with a diameter of 26 mm. 
       Thickness - about 1.2 mm. 
       Edge - plain 

       Obverse: in the center - a portrait of  A.V Suvorov, under it - the text of  the "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnesrtrovain Republican Bank), to the left - the denomination "1 РУБЛЬ" (1 RUBLES) vertical writing text over face value - the text "СЕРИЯ АА" (Series AA). 

       Reverse: diamond-shaped grid with logotype "ПРБ" (PRB), under it - the denomination "ОДИН РУБЛЬ" (ONE  RUBLES) on the bottom right corner of the logo - the year of the model  "2014".


       3  rubles. 

       Green colors 
       Form - a square with sides of 26 mm. 
       Thickness - about 1.2 mm. 
       Edge - plain 

       Obverse: in the center - a portrait of  F P De Volan, under it - the text of  the "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnesrtrovain Republican Bank), to the right - the denomination of  "3 РУБЛЯ" (3 RUBLES) vertical writing text over face value - the text  "СЕРИЯ АА" (Series AA). 

       Reverse: diamond-shaped grid with logotype "ПРБ" (PRB), under it - the denomination of  "ТРИ РУБЛЯ" (THREE  RUBLES) in the lower right corner of the logo - the Year of the model  "2014".  


       5 rubles. 

       Blue colors 
       Form - pentagon height of 28 mm. 
       from top to bottom 
       Thickness - about 1.2 mm. 
       Edge - plain. 

       Obverse: in the center - portrait P.A. Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky, under it - the text of  the  "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnesrtrovain Republican Bank), to the right - the denomination "5 РУБЛЕЙ" (5  RUBLES) vertical writing text over face value - the text  "СЕРИЯ АА" (Series AA). 

       Reverse: diamond-shaped grid with logotype "ПРБ" (PRB), under it - the denomination of  "ПЯТЬ РУБЛЕЙ" (FIVE  RUBLES ), in the lower right corner of the logo - the year of the model "2014".  
       10 rubles. 

       Red and orange colors 
       Form - hexagon spacing 
       opposite vertices 28 mm. 

       Obverse: in the center - portrait  Ekaterinа II, under it - the text of the  "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnesrtrovain Republican Bank), to the right - the denomination "10 РУБЛЕЙ" (10  RUBLES) vertical writing text over face value - the text  "СЕРИЯ АА" (Series AA). 

       Reverse: diamond-shaped grid with logotype "ПРБ" (PRB), under it - the denomination of  "ДЕСЯТЬ РУБЛЕЙ" (TEN  RUBLES) in the lower right corner of the logo - the year of the model "2014".