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"Bendery Meat Processing Plant" CJSC
Denomination: 25 rubles Reverse: In the center is a three-line inscription «80 ЛЕТ БМК» (80 YEARS OF BMK), around the circle are the inscriptions: at the top – «ЗАО «БЕНДЕРСКИЙ МЯСОКОМБИНАТ» (ZAO BENDER MEAT-PROCESSING PLANT); at the bottom – “1944”. "60 Years of the Moldavian State District Power Plant" Denomination: 25 rubles Reverse: In the center are the numbers 6 and 0 with the company logo integrated into them and the inscriptions in two lines «ИНТЕР РАО» (INTER RAO), «МОЛДАВСКАЯ ГРЭС» (MOLDAVSKAYA GRES); at the bottom is the inscription “1964”. JSC "Elektromash" Denomination: 25 rubles Reverse: in the center - an image of an electric motor; at the top – the inscription «65 ЛЕТ» (65 YEARS), below – an image of the company’s logo and the inscription «НП ЗАО ЭЛЕКТРОМАШ» (NP JSC ELECTROMASH) in two lines, separated by a line; below is the inscription “1959-2024”. JSC "Tirotex" Denomination: 25 rubles Averse: in the center - the image of the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic; in a circle - inscriptions: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (PRIDNESTROVIAN REPUBLICAN BANK), at the bottom - «25 РУБЛЕЙ» (25 RUBLES); in the lower part under the emblem - “2023”. Reverse: in the center - an image of the administrative building of "Tirotex" JSC with the company logo on the facade; on the right is a roll of fabric with an image of a cotton branch; at the top – the inscription «ТИРОТЕКС» (TIROTEX); below is the inscription “1973”. "Tiraspol wine and divine factory "KVINT" Denomination: 25 rubles Averse: in the center - the image of the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic; in a circle - inscriptions: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (PRIDNESTROVIAN REPUBLICAN BANK), at the bottom - «25 РУБЛЕЙ» (25 RUBLES); in the lower part under the emblem - “2021”. Reverse: image of wine barrels against the background of vineyards, above them - the inscription "KVINT" Rybnitsa Cement Plant Denomination: 25 rubles Averse: in the center - the image of the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic; in a circle - inscriptions: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (PRIDNESTROVIAN REPUBLICAN BANK), at the bottom - «25 РУБЛЕЙ» (25 RUBLES); in the lower part under the emblem - “2021”. Reverse: in the center - the production facilities of the cement plant, at the top - in a semicircle - the inscription: «РЫБНИЦКИЙ ЦЕМЕНТНЫЙ КОМБИНАТ» (RYBNITSKY CEMENT COMBINE), at the bottom - the inscription "1961-2021". "55 Years Moldavskaya GRES" Denomination: 25 rubles Averse: in the center - the image of the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic; in a circle - inscriptions: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (PRIDNESTROVIAN REPUBLICAN BANK), at the bottom - «25 РУБЛЕЙ» (25 RUBLES); in the lower part under the emblem - “2019”. Reverse: in the center - the image of the production complex of ЗАО «Молдавская ГРЭС» (CJSC “Moldavskaya GRES), above it - the inscription “1964-2019”, below - the inscription «55 ЛЕТ» (55 YEARS), from left to right - the inscription «МОЛДАВСКОЙ ГРЭС» (MOLDOVSKAYA GRES). "100 Years of the energy industry" Denomination: 3 rubles Averse: in the center - the image of the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republik; around the circle - the inscriptions: above - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (PRIDNESTROVIAN REPUBLICAN BANK), below - the year of issue of the coin "2020"; in the lower part under the coat of arms - the denomination «3 РУБЛЯ» (3 RUBLES). Reverse: in the center - an element of the Monument to the first Power plant of Moldavia, located in the city of Tiraspol, against the background of power transmission towers; at the top - the inscription «100 ЛЕТ» (100 YEARS), below in the circle - the inscription «ЭНЕРГЕТИЧЕСКОЙ ОТРАСЛИ» (ENERGY INDUSTRY). |