
Denomination: 1 ruble
Metal: nickel plated steel
Diameter: 22.00 mm
Weight: 4.65 g
Edge: smooth
Circulation: 15,000 pieces
Design: Golovchenco O.
Catalog number: 10400-01-07016
Averse: in the center - the image of the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic; around the circle - the inscriptions: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (PRIDNESTROVIAN REPUBLICAN BANK), at the bottom - the year of issue of the coin "2024"; in the lower part under the coat of arms - the denomination «1 РУБЛЬ» (1 RUBLE).
Reverse: in the center - a stylized image of an athlete near the net at the moment of hitting the ball; in the background there is a silhouette image of the second player; below is the inscription «ВОЛЕЙБОЛ» (VOLLEYBALL).
"Mini football"

Denomination: 1 ruble
Metal: nickel plated steel
Diameter: 22.00 mm
Weight: 4.65 g
Edge: smooth
Circulation: 15,000 pieces
Design: Titova E.
Catalog number: 10400-01-07015
Averse: in the center - the image of the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic; around the circle - the inscriptions: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (PRIDNESTROVIAN REPUBLICAN BANK), at the bottom - the year of issue of the coin "2024"; in the lower part under the coat of arms - the denomination «1 РУБЛЬ» (1 RUBLE).
Reverse: in the center - an image of a football player at the moment of hitting the ball; at the top is an image of a football goal; on the right is an image of a ball; below is the inscription «МИНИ-ФУТБОЛ» (MINI FOOTBALL).

Denomination: 1 ruble
Metal: nickel plated steel
Diameter: 22.00 mm
Weight: 4.65 g
Edge: smooth
Circulation: 15,000 pieces
Design: Sokolova A.
Catalog number: 10400-01-07014
Averse: in the center - the image of the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic; around the circle - the inscriptions: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (PRIDNESTROVIAN REPUBLICAN BANK), at the bottom - the year of issue of the coin "2023"; in the lower part under the coat of arms - the denomination «1 РУБЛЬ» (1 RUBLE).
Reverse: in the center - the image of two sambists at the moment of the struggle; bottom left - the inscription «САМБО» (SAMBO).

Denomination: 1 ruble
Metal: nickel plated steel
Diameter: 22.00 mm
Weight: 4.65 g
Edge: smooth
Circulation: 15,000 pieces
Design: Totova E.
Catalog number: 10400-01-07013
Averse: in the center - the image of the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic; around the circle - the inscriptions: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (PRIDNESTROVIAN REPUBLICAN BANK), at the bottom - the year of issue of the coin "2023"; in the lower part under the coat of arms - the denomination «1 РУБЛЬ» (1 RUBLE).
Reverse: in the center - a stylized image of an athlete at the time of the cycling race; top right - the inscription «ВЕЛОСПОРТ» (CYCLING).
"Sports Acrobatics"

Denomination: 1 ruble
Metal: nickel plated steel
Diameter: 22.00 mm
Weight: 4.65 g
Edge: smooth
Circulation: 15,000 pieces
Art: O. Golovchenco
Catalog number: 10400-01-07012
Averse: in the center - the image of the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic; around the circle - the inscriptions: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (PRIDNESTROVIAN REPUBLICAN BANK), at the bottom - the year of issue of the coin "2023"; in the lower part under the coat of arms - the denomination «1 РУБЛЬ» (1 RUBLE).
Reverse: in the center - a stylized image of an athlete performing an acrobatic element, at the top in a circle - the inscription «СПОРТИВНАЯ АКРОБАТИКА» (SPORTS ACROBATICS).
"Greco-Roman wrestling"
Denomination: 1 ruble
Metal: nickel plated steel
Diameter: 22.00 mm
Weight: 4.65 g
Edge: smooth
Circulation: 15,000 pieces
Art: A. Sokolova
Averse: in the center - the image of the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic; around the circle - the inscriptions: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (PRIDNESTROVIAN REPUBLICAN BANK), at the bottom - the year of issue of the coin "2021"; in the lower part under the coat of arms - the denomination «1 РУБЛЬ» (1 RUBLE).
Reverse: in the center - the image of two wrestlers at the moment of capture and throw; at the top - the inscription: «ГРЕКО-РИМСКАЯ БОРЬБА» (GRECO-ROMAN WRESTLING).

Denomination: 1 ruble
Metal: nickel plated steel
Diameter: 22.00 mm
Weight: 4.65 g
Edge: smooth
Circulation: 15,000 pieces
Art: A. Sokolova
Averse: in the center - the image of the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic; around the circle - the inscriptions: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (PRIDNESTROVIAN REPUBLICAN BANK), at the bottom - the year of issue of the coin "2021"; in the lower part under the coat of arms - the denomination «1 РУБЛЬ» (1 RUBLE).
Reverse: in the center - the image of two boxers at the time of the fight; at the top - the inscription «БОКС» (BOX).
"FC Sheriff. UEFA Europa League 2021-2022"

Denomination: 25 rubles
Metal: nickel plated steel white
Diameter: 28,65 mm
Weight: 9,45 g
Edge: smooth
Circulation: 2,500 pieces
Averse: in the center - the image of the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic; in a circle - inscriptions: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (PRINESTROVAN REPUBLICAN BANK), at the bottom - «25 РУБЛЕЙ» (25 RUBLES); in the lower part under the coat of arms - "2021".
Reverse: in the center - a stylized image of a flying ball, below it - the inscription "2022", along the circumference - the inscriptions: at the top - «ЛИГА ЕВРОПЫ УЕФА» (UEFA EUROPEAN LEAGUE), below - «ФК ШЕРИФ. ТИРАСПОЛЬ» (FC SHERIFF. TIRASPOL).

Denomination: 1 ruble
Metal: nickel plated steel
Diameter: 22.00 mm
Weight: 4.65 g
Edge: smooth
Circulation: 15,000 pieces
Art: A. Sokolova
Averse: in the center - the image of the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic; around the circle - the inscriptions: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (PRIDNESTROVIAN REPUBLICAN BANK), at the bottom - the year of issue of the coin "2021"; in the lower part under the coat of arms - the denomination «1 РУБЛЬ» (1 RUBLE).
Reverse: in the center - an image of a karateka in a fighting stance; below - the inscription «КАРАТЭ» (KARATE).

Denomination: 1 ruble
Metal: nickel plated steel
Diameter: 22.00 mm
Weight: 4.65 g
Edge: smooth
Circulation: 15,000 pieces
Art: A. Sokolova
Averse: in the center - the image of the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic; around the circle - the inscriptions: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (PRIDNESTROVIAN REPUBLICAN BANK), at the bottom - the year of issue of the coin "2021"; in the lower part under the coat of arms - the denomination «1 РУБЛЬ» (1 RUBLE).
Reverse: in the center - an image of a duel between two judo athletes; top left - the inscription «ДЗЮДО» (JUDO).

Denomination: 1 ruble
Metal: nickel plated steel
Diameter: 22.00 mm
Weight: 4.65 g
Edge: smooth
Circulation: 15,000 pieces
Averse: in the center - the image of the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic; around the circle - the inscriptions: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (PRIDNESTROVIAN REPUBLICAN BANK), at the bottom - the year of issue of the coin "2021"; in the lower part under the coat of arms - the denomination «1 РУБЛЬ» (1 RUBLE).
Reverse: in the center - the image of two athletes at the time of the fight; at the top in a circle - the inscription «КИКБОКСИНГ» (KICKBOXING).
"Martial arts"

Denomination: 1 ruble
Metal: nickel plated steel
Diameter: 22.00 mm
Weight: 4.65 g
Edge: smooth
Circulation: 15,000 pieces
Averse: in the center - the image of the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic; around the circle - the inscriptions: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (PRIDNESTROVIAN REPUBLICAN BANK), at the bottom - the year of issue of the coin "2021"; in the lower part under the coat of arms - the denomination «1 РУБЛЬ» (1 RUBLE).
Reverse: in the center - a sectoral image of athletes belonging to three types of martial arts: Greco-Roman wrestling, boxing, karate; in the middle - the inscription: «БОЕВЫЕ ИСКУССТВА» (MARTIAL ARTS).
"FC Sheriff. UEFA Champions League 2021-2022"

Denomination: 25 rubles
Metal: nickel plated steel white
Diameter: 28,65 mm
Weight: 9,45 g
Edge: smooth
Circulation: 2,500 pieces
Averse: in the center - the image of the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovskaia Moldavskaia Respublika; around the circle - inscriptions: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (PRIDNESTROVIAN REPUBLICAN BANK),year of issue of the coin "2021", in the lower part under the coat of arms - «25 РУБЛЕЙ» (25 RUBLES) .
Reverse: in the center - the logo of the football club "Sheriff", at the top in a semicircle - the inscription: «ЛИГА ЧЕМПИОНОВ УЕФА» (UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE), below - the inscription "2021-2022"

Denomination: 1 ruble
Metal: nickel plated steel
Diameter: 22.00 mm
Weight: 4.65 g
Edge: smooth
Circulation: 50,000 pieces
Artist: Pascari KA
Averse: in the center - an image of the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldovian Republic; in a circle - inscriptions: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank), at the bottom - the year of issue of the coin “2018”; in the lower part under the emblem - face value «1 РУБЛЬ» (1 RUBLE).
Reverse:: in the center - the image of the rowers on the canoe, at the top - the inscription «ГРЕБЛЯ НА БАЙДАРКАХ».(ROWING ON THE BAYDARKS).

Denomination: 1 ruble
Metal: nickel plated steel
Diameter: 22.00 mm
Weight: 4.65 g
Edge: smooth
Circulation: 50,000 pieces
Artist: Pascari KA
Averse: in the center - an image of the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldovian Republic; in a circle - inscriptions: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (PRIDNESTROVIAN REPUBLICAN BANK), at the bottom - the year of issue of the coin “2019”; in the lower part under the emblem - face value «1 РУБЛЬ» (1 RUBLE).
Reverse:: Image of a swimmer, at the top - the inscription «ПЛАВАНИЕ» (Swimming).

Denomination: 1 ruble
Metal: nickel plated steel
Diameter: 22.00 mm
Weight: 4.65 g
Edge: smooth
Circulation: 50,000 pieces
Artist: I. Ruban
Averse: in the center - an image of the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldovian Republic; in a circle - inscriptions: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (PRIDNESTROVIAN REPUBLICAN BANK), at the bottom - the Year of issue of the coin “2020”; in the lower part under the emblem - face value «1 РУБЛЬ» (1 RUBLE).
Reverse::in the center - a color image of a handball player at the time of throwing the ball into the goal, below - the inscription «ГАНДБОЛ».(HANDBALL).