"Iris pontica"
Metal: steel, nickel-plated
Diameter: 22.0 mm
Weight: 4.65 g
Edge: smooth
Circulation: 15 000 pieces
Art: Titova E
Catalog number: 10400-01-36008
Avers: in the center - the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldovian Republic; along the rim - the inscription: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank), at the bottom - the Year of issue "2024"; at the bottom under the arms - the denomination «1 РУБЛЬ» (1 ruble.).
Revers: in the center - an image of an iris pontica against the background of an open book; in a circle - inscriptions: top left - “ИРИС ПОНТИЧЕСКИЙ”, right - “IRIS PONTICA”.
"Spring Adonis"
Metal: steel, nickel-plated
Diameter: 22.0 mm
Weight: 4.65 g
Edge: smooth
Circulation: 15 000 pieces
Art: Michailova I
Catalog number: 10400-01-36007
Avers: in the center - the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldovian Republic; along the rim - the inscription: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank), at the bottom - the Year of issue "2021"; at the bottom under the arms - the denomination «1 РУБЛЬ» (1 ruble.).
Revers: on the left - an image of a spring adonis sprout, on the right - an image of a flower of a plant, around the circle there are inscriptions: at the top - «КРАСНАЯ КНИГА ПРИДНЕСТРОВЬЯ» (RED BOOK OF PRIDNESTROVIE); below - «АДОНИС ВЕСЕННИЙ – ADONIS VERNALIS» (ADONIS SPRING - ADONIS VERNALIS).
"White water lily"
Metal: steel, nickel-plated
Diameter: 22.0 mm
Weight: 4.65 g
Edge: smooth
Circulation: 15 000 pieces
Art: Michailova I
Avers: in the center - the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldovian Republic; along the rim - the inscription: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank), at the bottom - the Year of issue "2021"; at the bottom under the arms - the denomination «1 РУБЛЬ» (1 ruble.).
Revers: in the center - an image of a water lily; at the top along the circle - the inscription «КРАСНАЯ КНИГА ПРИДНЕСТРОВЬЯ» (RED BOOK OF PRIDNESTROVIЕ), at the bottom in the circle - the inscription «КУВШИНКА БЕЛАЯ – NYMPHAEA ALBA» (KUVSHINKA WHITE - NYMPHAEA ALBA)
Metal: steel, nickel-plated
Diameter: 22.0 mm
Weight: 4.65 g
Edge: smooth
Circulation: 50 000 pieces
Avers: in the center - the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldovian Republic; along the rim - the inscription: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank), at the bottom - the Year of issue "2019"; at the bottom under the arms - the denomination «1 РУБЛЬ» (1 ruble.).
Revers: in the center - a stylized image of a lily of the valley, at the top - the inscription «КРАСНАЯ КНИГА ПРИДНЕСТРОВЬЯ» (RED BOOK OF PRIDNESTROVIE); below - the inscription «ЛАНДЫШ МАЙСКИЙ - CONVALLARIA MAJALIS”.
Metal: steel, nickel-plated
Diameter: 22.0 mm
Weight: 4.65 g
Edge: smooth
Circulation: 50 000 pieces
Avers: in the center - the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldovian Republic; along the rim - the inscription: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank), at the bottom - the Year of issue "2019"; at the bottom under the arms - the denomination «1 РУБЛЬ» (1 ruble).
Revers: n the center - a stylized image of Biberstein's tulip, at the top - the inscription «КРАСНАЯ КНИГА ПРИДНЕСТРОВЬЯ» (RED BOOK OF PRIDNESTROVIE); below - the inscription «ТЮЛЬПАН БИБЕРШТЕЙНА – TULIPA BIEBERSTEINIANA» (BIBERSHTEIN'S TULIP - TULIPA BIEBERSTEINIANA).
"Lily" Royal Curls"
Metal: steel, nickel-plated
Diameter: 22.0 mm
Weight: 4.65 g
Edge: smooth
Circulation: 50 000 pieces
Avers: in the center - the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldovian Republic; along the rim - the inscription: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank), at the bottom - the Year of issue "2019"; at the bottom under the arms - the denomination «1 РУБЛЬ» (1 ruble.).
Revers: in the center - a stylized image of a lily, above - the inscription «КРАСНАЯ КНИГА ПРИДНЕСТРОВЬЯ» (RED BOOK OF PRIDNESTROVIE); below - the inscription «ЛИЛИЯ «ЦАРСКИЕ КУДРИ» (LILY "ROYAL CURLS" - LILIUM MARTAGON).
Metal: steel, nickel-plated
Diameter: 22.0 mm
Weight: 4.65 g
Edge: smooth
Circulation: 50 000 pieces
Artist: K. Paskar`
Avers: in the center - the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldovian Republic; along the rim - the inscription: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank), at the bottom - the Year of issue "2019"; at the bottom under the arms - the denomination «1 РУБЛЬ» (1 ruble.).
Revers: in the center - a stylized image of a water nut, at the top - the inscription «КРАСНАЯ КНИГА ПРИДНЕСТРОВЬЯ» (RED BOOK OF PRIDNESTROVIE); below - the inscription «ВОДЯНОЙ ОРЕХ – TRAPA NATANS» (WATER NUT - TRAPA NATANS).
Metal: steel, nickel-plated
Diameter: 22.0 mm
Weight: 4.65 g
Edge: smooth
Circulation: 50 000 pieces
Avers: in the center - the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldovian Republic; along the rim - the inscription: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank), at the bottom - the Year of issue "2020"; at the bottom under the arms - the denomination «1 РУБЛЬ» (1 ruble.).
Revers: in the center - an image of a snowdrop; top left to right - the inscription «КРАСНАЯ КНИГА ПРИДНЕСТРОВЬЯ» (RED BOOK OF PRIDNESTROVIE), below - the inscription «ПОДСНЕЖНИК СНЕЖНЫЙ (SNOW - GALANTHUS NIVALIS).